The pain of trying to achieve your goals in life can be quite frustrating for many people out there, when you know you are meant for something greater than the life your currently living, that nagging feeling inside of you, a higher vision of a potential dream, of who can become.
You see… In life whatever you can imagine yourself becoming is but a glimpse of your potential, it is merely the surface of your abilities, like a compass guiding you to your true life path.
Some of us choose to suppress their calling, their life purpose with a nice secure job, while others, the ” Dreamers ” take steps towards their dreams until they finally achieve it.
Where does your real value in life fall?
So for today ask yourself, just ask yourself, what do you value in life, where is your true power found, in my opinion all the answers you seek are inside of you, with the proper guidance, you can finally allow your self to become who you really want to be.
When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you feel fulfilled?
If you find yourself standing far from there, step up, and find the path that you are meant to walk, find your true purpose, defy what people deem impossible, because in my experience… Everything is possible.
”May you find what you seek outside, inside of you” – Robert Simic